SAFE E-Label Logo

Are you SAFE?

Six leading software vendors are establishing the SAFE E-Label Standard to simplify the implementation of legally compliant e-labels for the new EU regulation on ingredient and nutritional labeling.

Winemakers walk in their vineyard


Why should you stay SAFE?

Currently, every organization must interpret the new EU regulations independently. Some labeling requirements are clearly specified while others are only vaguely addressed.

Organizations seek legal confidence by asking every partner what their interpretation of the new regulations is. Not only is this repetitive, but it creates only additional confusion and uncertainty and risk for producers when there are even slight deviations in recommendations.

The principal objective of the SAFE E-Label Standard is to ensure that all producers can find a compliant solution and be confident in their decision.

SAFEty first

What does SAFE stand for?

  • S - strict implementation of regulations
  • A - action plan for business continuity
  • F - free to leave (portability)
  • E - ethical data standards (opt-in)

SAFEty instructions

What we value at SAFE

The choice of e-label provider is a decision with long-term implications. We have voluntarily agreed on the following principles so that you can be sure you are making the right choice.

Strict implementation of regulation

Vendors implementing SAFE E-Labels should only make product claims that are consistent with a conservative consensus interpretation of EU regulations.

Action plan for business continuity

E-labels must continue work as long as the wine is on the shelf or cellar. This can be 10, 20, or more years. Vendors of SAFE E-Labels should be able to explain how they will ensure that e-labels will continue to operate if their business ceases to exist.

Free to leave (portability)

Vendors of SAFE E-Labels provide their customers the ability to fully terminate their contract and move their e-labels to another service. Vendors of SAFE E-Labels are not allowed to have contractual or products that create vendor lock-in.

Ethical data standards (opt-in)

Vendors of SAFE E-Labels must implement an opt-in system if they want customers to grant them rights to their data. Under no circumstances should customers be forced to transfer data rights as a prerequisite of purchasing software from a vendor.

Participating businesses

Frequently asked questions